22 September 2012

Haul out day

It really is the end of the season. I had Daisy G lifted out, pressure washed and put on the trailer. I know I can retrieve her myself, but I just wanted it to be quick and hassle free. Baiter is such a shallow angled slipway it is always a nuisance to use, especially if it is busy.

Towed home with no problems and no losses as far as I can tell. No major works planned for the winter other than a complete, proper repaint. There are lots of bumps and scrapes which need to be sorted. I painted the companionway washboards with ordinary Dulux exterior paint this year, and they have weathered at least as well as the marine paint used elsewhere, if not better, so for the superstructure I am going to use it for everything. I will still do the hull in Toplac as I like the colour and it doesn't actually take that much. The next few days will just be unloading and tidying up ropes etc.


  1. I enjoyed the Bay Cruiser stand at the boat show (went yesterday) - always interesting to see the boats close up...

  2. I didn't go this year, too many other thing on. I might go to the London show if it sounds ineresting. Glad I got my boat out yesterday, it is blowing force 9 around Poole today. It was almost calm yesterday.
