22 September 2011

Outside painted. Now "just" need to do the inside and edges

Finished outside painting and tidying, fitted an aluminium strip at the bow and bolted on the skeg wheels. Now I just need to pain the insides and varnish the deck and gunwales. May be done by the spring...


  1. Just one thought - a wider axle for the skeg wheels would make her easier to manoeuvre?? She looks amazing by the way!

  2. I think a wider axle might bend and could twist the skeg. What I can't decide is what to do at the fornt to hold it when I am rolling it around. Some kind of handle each side probably. I have just put a primer coat on the inside. Hope to get the painting finished sometime next week, before Daisy G wants her garage back!

  3. That's true enough.... the other option is the drop down wheels I suppose but that would be a shame as she's a real beauty at the moment...

    W.r.t the problem of what to do at the front - it would be a shame to ruin the look, so perhaps a cleat on the foredeck?? That way you could slip a loop of rope round it so you could hold the rope while manoeuvring her? You could even make the rope longer to slip over one shoulder for longer pulls.. :)

  4. I have actually made a teak cleat for just that purpose, but then realised it will make it devilishly difficult to get the boat on a roof rack. I have another cunning plan to try out when the painting is finished

  5. Of course....

    I look forward to seeing your cunning plan, but can't help thinking that all eyes (groan....) now turn to the towing eye..?? nifty little handle of some sort?? :o)
